Pagi sobat arifpoetrayunar kali ini kami akan share sebuah game android yag sangat seru, game yang berkaitan dengan penerbangan atau landings yang berjenis Label SIMULATOR :)
Game ini Bernama :Extreme Landings Pro v1.3.0.1 Apk
Disidiakan dalam bentuk Apk Ataupun OBB
Game Features:
24 missions
120 challenges of which 6 at global competition
15 HD airports
Fast landing mode with global competition and 5 fault levels.
Instrument Landing System, ILS
Primary Flight Display
Navigation Display
Meteo Radar to manage Microburst, Ice and wind
Advanced engines system with ignition, faults and fire extinguisher
Fuel management with weight balancing, Jettison and real consumption
Landing gears management with manual unlocking system
Full control of the rudder, flaps, reversers and spoilers
APU management
Global navigation with settable or in real-time weather conditions, with 548 airports and 1,107 runways
Cinema replay system
3D virtual cockpit with integrated instrumentation
SRTM30 Plus real terrestrial elevation
MODIS VCF real coast line
OpenWeatherMap real-time weather conditions
Required Android O/S : 4.0+
Screenshot :
Download dibawah ini : 17,76 MB
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